Next steps

Admitted Students


We can't wait to welcome you, in-person. Here are your next steps, 包括重要的住房截止日期,以及确保你获得全面的经济援助.

Access your student portal

Congratulations on your acceptance to SPU!

赌博十大靠谱软件迫不及待地想要在这个秋天亲自欢迎你来到校园. Here are your next steps, 包括重要的住房截止日期,以及确保你获得全面的经济援助.

confetti Next steps for:

First Year Students

  1. Log into your Seattle Pacific Portal

    如果这是您第一次登录您的学生门户网站,请转到 一旦您被录取,您将在门户中看到下一步注册清单. 这是你下一步需要做的一切的一站式商店! 通过单击顶部的“更新”按钮,确保经常检查门户. 这是你获得奖学金、经济援助和重要后续步骤通知的方式.

  2. 提交入学保证金(截止日期延长至6月15日)

    If you haven’t already, log into your Seattle Pacific portal 然后交200美元的预付款来确保你的席位.

    Questions? 联系本科招生办公室,电话:206-281-2021,800-366-3344,或

  3. Set Up Your SPU Email Account

    After you have your computer credentials, log in at Check this often! Many updates will be sent to this email.

    Questions? Contact Computer and Information Systems at or 206-281-2982, or visit CIS in Lower Marston Hall.

  4. Apply for Financial Aid

    尽快填写联邦学生援助免费申请表(FAFSA). 将结果发送到好的赌博软件推荐(SPU的FAFSA学校代码是003788).

    您的财务奖励更新将发布到您的SPU门户网站. 定期查看您的门户网站,了解最新的奖学金和经济援助信息.

    Questions? 联系学生金融服务,电话:206-281-2061或800-737-8826.

  5. Sign up for classes at New Student Advising

    You’re required to sign up for New Student Advising, the process for signing up for your classes, 这样赌博十大靠谱软件就可以为您准备通知和注册的记录和材料. 关注您的邮箱和SPU电子邮件,以获取4月份提供的更多信息.

    *Before attending NSA:

    • Submit your advance payment (enrollment deposit)
    • If you are transferring any college credits, 你必须在你的新生咨询注册日期前至少两周提交你的大学成绩单.

    Questions? Contact new student advising at 206-281-2575 or

  6. Earn a Visit Scholarship

    在5月1日前参加一次校内参观和/或两次符合条件的虚拟校园参观,即可获得一次性奖励, up to $1,500美元的访问奖学金将包含在你在SPU第一年的经济援助计划中.
  7. Sign Up for Housing

    The housing application is now open. 在6月1日前提交申请,以便优先考虑住房.

    For more information on housing requirements, including the $300 room deposit, how to apply, and application deadlines visit this New Students webpage in Housing and Residence Life.

    Questions? Contact University Services at or 206-281-2188.

  8. Sign up for Orientation

    就在课程开始之前,你将参加一个名为迎新会的必修课. 邀请家长和来宾参加前两天的活动. 在早春寻找更多的注册信息,并确保看你的邮件和SPU的电子邮件.

    Questions? 联系学生参与和领导办公室 or 206-281-2247.

  9. Send Official Academic Transcripts by August 1

    赌博十大靠谱软件需要你的最终成绩单和8月1日之前公布的毕业日期. 如果赌博十大靠谱软件没有这个,你的经济资助将受到影响.) If you are transferring any college credits, 你必须在你的新生咨询注册日期前至少两周提交你的大学成绩单.

    Questions? 联系本科招生办公室,电话:206-281-2021,800-366-3344,或

  10. 8月1日前提交病史表和免疫接种记录

    你需要在8月1日前将这些信息寄给赌博十大靠谱软件. Please complete the forms on 您还可以查看SPU的新生健康要求.

    Questions? 请致电206-281-2231联系健康服务部或访问健康中心网站.

  11. Update Your Emergency Contacts

    If you’ve made your enrollment deposit, 你可能已经登录了班纳大学的在线网站来查看你的成绩和成绩单, and to enroll in classes). 当你在那里时,更新你的紧急联系人,在个人菜单下找到.

  12. Grant Access to Others

    允许您的父母或其他人接收有关您的学生帐户的信息, financial aid, housing, and general academic standing.

    Questions? 联系学生金融服务,电话:206-281-2061或800-737-8826

  13. Submit Your Falcon Card Photo Online

    使用MyPhoto门户网站上传您的SPU校园卡照片. 这张多功能身份证是您的校园钥匙,您可以在入住当天领取! Photos must be uploaded by September 1.

    Questions? 访问猎鹰卡服务网站,致电206-281-2693,或发送电子邮件

Transfer Students

  1. Log into your Seattle Pacific Portal

    如果这是您第一次登录您的学生门户网站,请转到 一旦您被录取,您将在门户中看到下一步注册清单. 这是你下一步需要做的一切的一站式商店! 通过单击顶部的“更新”按钮,确保经常检查门户. 这是你获得奖学金、经济援助和重要后续步骤通知的方式.

  2. Submit your enrollment deposit

    If you haven’t already, 登录您的西雅图太平洋门户网站并提交200美元的预付款以确保您的位置.

    Questions? 联系本科招生办公室,电话:206-281-2021,800-366-3344,或

  3. Set Up Your SPU Email Account

    After you have your computer credentials, log in at Check this often! Many updates will be sent to this email.

    Questions? Contact Computer and Information Systems at help@sh-fyz.com或206-281-2982,或访问下马斯顿大厅的CIS.

  4. Apply for Financial Aid

    尽快填写联邦学生援助免费申请表(FAFSA). 将结果发送到好的赌博软件推荐(SPU的FAFSA学校代码是003788).

    您的财务奖励更新将发布到您的SPU门户网站. 定期查看您的门户网站,了解最新的奖学金和经济援助信息.

    Questions? 联系学生金融服务,电话:206-281-2061或800-737-8826.

  5. Review your transfer credit evaluation in Banner

    作为一名被录取的转学生,你的转校工作将在入学后10个工作日内由注册办公室自动评估. 您可以通过SPU的在线学生信息系统Banner访问这些信息. For more information on this process, how to access and review this information, as well as next steps and options for questions, please review this helpful guide.

    Questions? the Office of the Registrar at or 206-281-2031.

  6. Sign up for classes at New Student Advising

    You’re required to sign up for New Student Advising, the process for signing up for your classes, 这样赌博十大靠谱软件就可以为您准备通知和注册的记录和材料. 关注您的邮箱和SPU电子邮件,以获取4月份提供的更多信息.

    *Before attending NSA:

    • Submit your advance payment (enrollment deposit)
    • If you are transferring any college credits, 你必须在你的新生咨询注册日期前至少两周提交你的大学成绩单.

    Questions? Contact new student advising at 206-281-2575 or

  7. Send Official College Transcripts now

    If taking courses during the summer, 请在暑期/学期课程完成后尽快提交大学成绩单.

    Questions? 联系本科招生办公室,电话:206-281-2021,800-366-3344,或

  8. Sign Up for Housing

    The housing application is now open. 在6月1日前提交申请,以便优先考虑住房.

    For more information on housing requirements, including the $300 room deposit, how to apply, and application deadlines visit

    Questions? Contact University Services at or 206-281-2188.

  9. Sign up for Orientation

    就在课程开始之前,你将参加一个名为迎新会的必修课. 邀请家长和来宾参加前两天的活动. 在早春寻找更多的注册信息,并确保看你的邮件和SPU的电子邮件.

    Questions? 联系学生参与和领导办公室 or 206-281-2247.

  10. Submit Medical History Form and Immunization Record

    你需要在8月1日前将这些信息寄给赌博十大靠谱软件. Please complete the forms on 您还可以查看SPU的新生健康要求.

    Questions? 请致电206-281-2231联系健康服务部或访问健康中心网站.

  11. Update Your Emergency Contacts

    If you’ve made your enrollment deposit, 你可能已经登录了班纳大学的在线网站来查看你的成绩和成绩单, and to enroll in classes). 当你在那里时,更新你的紧急联系人,在个人菜单下找到.

  12. Questions? 联系学生金融服务,电话:206-281-2061或800-737-8826

  13. Submit Your Falcon Card Photo Online

    使用MyPhoto门户网站上传您的SPU校园卡照片. 这张多功能身份证是您的校园钥匙,您可以在入住当天领取! Photos must be uploaded by September 1.

    Questions? 访问猎鹰卡服务网站,致电206-281-2693,或发送电子邮件

Off-quarter Students

Access your Seattle Pacific Portal

  1. Submit your $200 Advance payment

    您的预付款应在收到您的经济援助报价后的15天内通过在线或邮寄方式支付给SPU本科招生办公室. (If you will not be applying for financial aid, 你的预付款应在入院后15天内支付.)


    登录您的西雅图太平洋门户网站进行付款, 或者把钱放在寄给你的信封里寄给本科招生办公室, along with your enrollment response card. 如果这是你第一次登录你的学生门户网站,去 这笔款项将记入你的第一笔学费,并确保你在即将到来的季度的位置.

    Questions? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 206-281-2021; 800-366-3344; or

    Questions? 联系本科招生办公室,电话:206-281-2021,800-366-3344,或

  2. Set Up Your SPU Email Account

    After you have your computer credentials, log in at Check this often! Many updates will be sent to this email.

    Questions? Contact Computer and Information Systems at help@sh-fyz.com或206-281-2982,或访问下马斯顿大厅的CIS.

  3. Apply for Financial Aid

    尽快填写联邦学生援助免费申请表(FAFSA). 将结果发送到好的赌博软件推荐(SPU的FAFSA学校代码是003788).

    您的财务奖励更新将发布到您的SPU门户网站. 定期查看您的门户网站,了解最新的奖学金和经济援助信息.

    Questions? 联系学生金融服务,电话:206-281-2061或800-737-8826.

  4. Sign up for New Student Advising

    查看您的邮箱和SPU的电子邮件帐户,了解有关设置新的学生咨询预约的更多信息, 您将在哪里注册课程并学习SPU旅程的下一部分的重要信息.

    Questions? Contact new student advising at 206-281-2575 or

  5. Send Official College Transcripts now

    If taking courses during the summer, 请在暑期/学期课程完成后尽快提交大学成绩单.

    Questions? 联系本科招生办公室,电话:206-281-2021,800-366-3344,或

  6. Sign Up for Housing


    • 大一新生有资格住宿舍.
    • Transfer students are eligible for campus apartments. However, if demand for housing exceeds supply, 要求住校的学生优先考虑.

    Questions? Contact University Services at or 206-281-2188.

  7. Return Medical History Form and Immunization Record

    你需要在8月1日前将这些信息寄给赌博十大靠谱软件. Please complete the forms on 您还可以查看SPU的新生健康要求.

    Questions? 请致电206-281-2231联系健康服务部或访问健康中心网站.

  8. Update Your Emergency Contacts

    If you’ve made your enrollment deposit, 你可能已经登录了班纳大学的在线网站来查看你的成绩和成绩单, and to enroll in classes). 当你在那里时,更新你的紧急联系人,在个人菜单下找到.

  9. Questions? 联系学生金融服务,电话:206-281-2061或800-737-8826