

  • 适当的 and 可持续工程
  • 计算机工程
  • 电子工程
  • 机械工程

适当的 and Sustainable 工程 minor


The 适当的 and Sustainable 工程 minor is a direct response to our Christian calls for stewardship of our planet and service to the poor. 在这里, we seek to address our environmental footprint in the developed world through sustainable engineering solutions while addressing the needs of the world’s poor through development of appropriate technology.

这个程序, which prepares students to apply engineering skills to help meet the unique needs of developing communities, pairs well with any of SPU's 工程 majors or with a major in 物理.

  • A minimum 41 credits are required for this minor, 包括15个高年级学分.
  • In addition to foundational math and physics courses, you'll complete applied engineering skills courses, appropriate and sustainable engineering courses, and 5 credits in multicultural/global development electives. 
  • This minor can be completed by engineering and physics majors with minimal (or possibly no) additional credits. See an engineering faculty advisor for more details about this.



  • A minimum 55 credits are required for this minor, 包括15个高年级学分.
  • The 50 credits of required core courses 包括CSC 1230问题解决 & Programming, CPE 3280 Microcontroller System Design, and MAT 1234 Calculus I.
  • 选修课可以从课程中选择 such as CSC 3221 Netcentric Computing and CSC 3430 Algorithm & 分析.



  • A minimum 52 credits are required for this minor, 包括18个高级学分.
  • Some of the 42 credits of core requirements 包括CSC 1230问题解决 & Programming, MAT 3237 Differential Equations, and EE 2726 Electrical Circuits I.
  • The 10 elective credits are chosen from upper-division courses such as EE 3500 Power Systems and EGR 3611 Alternative Energy Systems.



  • A minimum 53 credits are required for this minor, 包括26个高级学分.
  • The 49 required credits in the core courses include EGR 1501 CAD Applications for Engineers, EGR 3310材料力学, 和EGR 3500热力学.
  • 必修选修学分 can be chosen from courses such as EGR 3430 System Dynamics and EGR 35010 Fluid Mechanics.


In order to earn a degree, you must complete at least one academic major. SPU encourages students to explore various academic paths, so if you change your mind about a major or minor, or want to include an additional program, 你可以这样做, 如下所述.

Note that the University encourages you to enter your chosen major(s) and minor(s) by the start of your junior year. Students who transfer as juniors and seniors should enter a major within their first two quarters at SPU.

  • 应用 for entrance to your chosen minor 在班纳 遵循以下说明.
  • If you are an SPU student with an SPU cumulative GPA of 2.0或更高, 遵循以下说明 to enter a major or minor in this department.
  • Students on academic probation (with an SPU cumulative GPA below 2.0) will not be permitted to enter a new major or minor until they regain good academic standing.
  • The University requires a grade of C- or better in all classes that apply to a major or minor; however, programs may require higher minimum grades in specific courses. You may repeat an SPU course only once for a higher grade.
  • 为了在这个项目中取得进展, meet with your faculty advisor regularly to discuss your grades, 课程进展, and other indicators of satisfactory academic progress. If your grades or other factors indicate that you may not be able to successfully complete the major or minor, your faculty advisor can work with you to explore options, which may include choosing a different major or minor.
  • You must complete the major or minor requirements that are in effect in the SPU 本科目录 for the year you enter the major or minor.